Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Origin of a pretzel

Three years ago, on a Christmas "eve eve", Chris made my night by saying, "lets make pretzels at your mom and dads house." So we grabbed our homemade dough out of the breadmaker, walked three houses down to my mom and dads and said, "Surprise! We're here to show you how to make the best homemade cinnamon sugar pretzels you will ever eat."

My mom, happy to have her home invaded by grandchildren, immediately prepared her kitchen for something she had never done before. It has now become a fun little tradition, because we have done it every year since.









Kulio said...

Oh fun tradition!!!

I'm totally rocking our world this Christmas by NOT having poptarts on Christmas morning. Making a surprise for the children! They are not sure about it.

Those pretzels look delish!!

Heidi Lee said...

I stopped doing pop-tarts too. I tried to carry on our tradition growing up, but they just wouldn't eat them! I don't know if they are too sweet or what. Now I have made moms home-made cinnamon rolls and have them eat those instead. (apparently those aren't as sweet?)
I also have started making mulled cider for Christmas day, and they just drink it all day long. For lunch I make this really great egg casserole times! Tell me your surprise for tomorrow!

Karaeleanor said...

o those pretzels look REALLY good!
Are you guys still going to Uncle Mark and Aunt Mary's every year?


Heidi Lee said...

We sure are! It's been 13 years now, that we've been going. It would seem wrong to stop.