Sunday, November 23, 2008


Yep...I'm one of those "Twilight" fans. I am not a bookreader. Not at all. I read "People" magazine, thats pretty much it...and lots of kids books, but not by choice. Once I picked up this book, I could not put it down. Have no idea how my kids got food, or clean clothing, as I pretty much tuned everything out around me but this book. (and the three others that followed)

Chris took me on opening night and met Mariah and friend of hers at the theatre. We were surrounded by 12 to 16 year olds and am sure I was the oldest woman there. But I enjoyed every second of it. Thanks Mariah! I felt really "cool" hanging out with you.



Poor Mariah...she was so good to do this next picture with me. Look at me all excited, and look at her thinking, "my aunt is crazy."


And anyone who has seen this movie, will completely appreciate this song.


JoannCryderman said...

I, too, am a huge fan! The girls and I all went on Saturday. Total blast! What does your shirt say?

Heidi Lee said...

It says "What do you mean Edward isn't real?"

Isn't that the best? I'm all about Edward. What about you? Who were you rooting for?

Lisa Y. said...

I went with Joann, and now I have to read the books. I took Parker with me and he's hooked too! So don't disclose any info until I'm done with the series, ok?

Heidi Lee said...

Mums the word. We can discuss when your done reading!

Karaeleanor said...

I've heard about how twilight is so great, and now I really want to read the books and see the movie!


kool kenna said...

I LOVE youe shirt!!! I want to see it SOOO bad!