Saturday, June 20, 2009

An ode to Caribou Coffee Bars

This week, something awful happened.....



is usually my breakfast. But not every morning, because I want my tastebuds to crave this wonderful combination. And when I do have this in the morning...I wait. Wait for the perfect time. I peek around corners for children, making sure they are doing their own thing so that I won't be bothered during this 10 minute time for "me." Me, my chocolate truffle coffee and my vanilla latte flavored coffee bar. ( I refuse to refer to it as a measly "granola bar." This tasty morsel is ohh, so much more then that)

They used to sell them at Meijer. Then...gone. I spotted them at I started buying two boxes at time, fearing the worst. The last place I bought them was Kroger...and I haven't seen them since.

It was brought to my attention that General Mills had discontinued the item.




And thats when I realized, "Man, if I am crying over a granola bar then I must have it pretty good."

And although I know life is pretty good for me... I can't help it...I am still VERY sad. Let it be known. VERY SAD.


mrc-w said...

So funny that you cried! I hope that doesn't sound mean - I'm laughing WITH you, not AT you :) What a disappointment though - I know I would be a mess if they ever stopped making any of my favorite treats!

Anonymous said...

Poor Mommy!